The optimum sizing of stand - alone photovoltaic systems with zero loss - of - load - probability 不停电独立光伏系统的优化设计
Small perma - cyl containers fill in the three minutes with zero losses under normal conditions 小型perma - cyl容器在通常条件下可在三分钟内完成充装,并且零损耗。
The blade is 6mm thick at the base with little distal taper to 5mm just before tapering to the point . this gives the sword a very stiff blade to allow strong thrusts and almost zero loss of power transfer during sword binding movements 这枝剑的根部厚6mm ,一直到剑尖也仍然厚5mm ,不太出现刃厚渐薄的情况,令它的剑刃非常坚挺,刺时既可以准确无误,与对手?剑时也不会被剑刃的弹性浪费掉用者的任何力气。